Sunday, September 14, 2008

my number is ahhhhhhhhh

Does anyone ever for get his or her own phone number or his or her best friends name when talking to a new person? I do this weird thing in my head when I am about to give someone my phone number or mention a name…….. I freeze. Its because a little voice in my head takes over and plays a little game. (the game starts like this…..I think to myself wouldn’t if be funny if I forgot my own number…… I freeze and the number will not come out.) Today someone asked me my number and the little voice in my head played the freeze game. I had to open my phone and pretend to look up my number while I internally battled with the little voice to give out my 9 digits. I don’t think the person though I was that out of it but I had to think to myself……… okay I know it starts with 512-…….. and then it came out. The same game happens with names. Its like a little missing program bug… and just lasts a few seconds. When I introduce people in can happen too. Its not like life isn’t embarrassing enough at times.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

happens to everyone. happens to people when they are children (important to remember) not just when they are in their twenties, thirties, past middle age... or so someone said to me... but i can't remember who told me that wise bit of information....